Thursday, October 24, 2013

Local Band Local Beer Now 18+

LocalBeerWKNC is happy to announce that our weekly shows at Tir Na nOg Irish Pub in downtown Raleigh are now 18 and up. We hope that everyone will take advantage of this opportunity to check out Local Band Local Beer. Just make sure that you bring your ID to the show to prove that you are at least 18 years old. The doorman will hold on to it while you're inside and give it back at the end of the night.

Just so students are aware, the Wolf Prowl nighttime bus route will take you downtown and then you hop on an R line connector and it drops you right in front of Tir Na nOg (see map). If you have never been there, it is the big blue dot on Blount Street between Hargett and Martin Streets. Just be sure to bring your student ID to ride the Wolf Prowl and then connect to the R line for free.

We hope to see an even bigger crowd now each Thursday!

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