Friday, October 25, 2013

Interview: WOOL

 WOOL at the Pinhook

WOOL is very promising band from Raleigh on the cusp of releasing their first EP, Delta, this Friday, and they stopped by the After Work Special for an in-depth chat with DJ e baby and myself, Spaceman Spiff.  We discussed their songwriting process, the happenstance nature of musical discovery on the internet, and their myriad of creative influences.

The band brought their instruments and played gorgeous renditions of "Mountains" and "Stars."  I've seen WOOL live several times in the past few months, and I was always struck by the beautiful noise they made: lovely dream pop songs, enveloped in hazy guitars, that build to rapturous crescendos.  The acoustic versions they played were intimate and confessional: the pop underbelly of the songs were brought to the foreground.  We played their recorded single "Bulletin Air," and the band debuted their recorded version of "Delta."  If the other two songs on the EP sound this great, we're truly in for a gem.

WOOL's EP Release Show is this Friday, October 25 at Kings Barcade with See Gulls and Derek Torres of T0W3RS.

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