Friday, October 25, 2013

Carolina Grown Podcast: Oct. 11 w/ Toon & The Real Laww

971222_188902244617652_1789358048_nThe second week of Carolina Grown was an absurd amount of fun to record, even if there was only one guest on for the show. I was joined in-studio by Professor Toon and The Real Laww of the fantastic hip-hop duo Toon & The Real Laww. The two were preparing for their big EP release show at Kings Barcade with the iconic Cesar Commanche opening up, so naturally we had quite a bit to cover during the hour that these guys were in the studio. While North Carolina is known best for its ever expanding indie rock scene, there are many other facets of this state's music community that shine just as bright as the college rock crews that started up in Chapel Hill. Actually there's quite a few more than even I knew! Which is why I chatted with Professor Toon and The Real Laww about what brought them to the state, what keeps them here, and where they think the scene is heading.

We delve into some of the duo's first interactions with hip-hop, the planning that goes into their ridiculously energetic live shows, and their process behind writing and producing their own tracks. I've been addicted to hip-hop since my adolescent self stumbled upon OutKast, Eminem and Busta Rhymes, but even I had no idea about how deep some of hip-hop's roots extend to North Carolina's music scene. There's a lot more than Petey Pablo raising and Little Brother's total domination of the scene. Check out the full 45 minute interview below and learn a bit about North Carolina's hip-hop community and some of the past and future endeavors that are in store for Toon & The Real Laww.


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